Why I love being a Florist

Photography by Daniel Franco

Photography by Daniel Franco


I never thought I would be a florist when I was growing up. When I graduated high school, I thought I was going to be a theatrical performer or director of some kind. By chance, I became a florist and have come to love what I do.

It took some time for me to realize my love for it; being a florist was much like being in a play production. So many different creatives are involved in making the production of the event come to fruition. We all work towards the goal of putting on the best show and making the lead characters shine like stars. All the time and effort of making each personalized arrangements, makes me fall more in love with my craft.

Photography by Holly Castillo Photography

Photography by Holly Castillo Photography


I was always interested in creative arts throughout my childhood. I was first taken by the art of sketching and painting, but my one of my favorite portraits to paint was still-life floral arrangements. One of my first oil paintings was of a beautiful, lily table arrangement. I never understood how I could make a living out of my art work. I decided to venture off into music and theatrics.

I started off in this industry as a delivery driver with no intention of getting into this type of design work; however, I was tempted to go for it. I wanted nothing more than to create something from scratch with a variety of colors and textures. The feel of a soft rose petal and the scent of a peony became my daily highlights. On top of all that, I get to be my own boss and make my own creative path. I’m living the boss babe dream!

Photography by Jenny Rolapp Photography

Photography by Jenny Rolapp Photography


The number one reason why I love being a florist is because I thrive in the presence of nature. I have such a passion to be near to it. To know I have a job that lets me be one with nature makes me feel closer to this planet. I love the natural splendor and peace that comes with creating beautiful designs.

That’s why I love being a florist!

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